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Agile Scrum Immersion (ASI)
Agile Scrum Immersion (ASI) is an intensive two-day instructor-led course that guides participants through the agile mindset and all the elements of Scrum, including roles, events, artifacts, and most importantly, the motivation behind implementing them. All this will be experienced through a balanced combination of lecture, candid discussion, hands-on exercise, and demonstration, as well as a few surprises.
Agile Scrum Immersion (ASI) Course Details
Organizations are increasingly moving to more agile ways of developing products. Scrum has emerged as the most commonly applied agile implementation. Today’s successful initiatives implement at least some aspect of Scrum and organizations are reaping the rewards (better quality, faster time to market, and happier employees and customers) of Scrum done right. This course can start your teams off on the right foot.
ASI Learning Outcomes
Understand the core Agile values
Distinguish between theory and actionable practices
Identify the characteristics of Scrum
Describe roles and responsibilities on a Scrum Team
Track and manage requirements in an agile manner
Populate and refine a Product Backlog
Create a Sprint Backlog
Plan for Releases
Plan for Sprints
Track progress
Execute a Sprint Review
Execute a Sprint Retrospective
Identify, prioritize, and estimate larger initiatives
Identify acceptance criteria
Avoid common Agile traps and pitfalls
Who is the ASI Course For?
Any role involved with product development.
Very beneficial for whole teams looking to leverage Scrum in the right way.
Teams looking for a 'tune-up'
ASI Course Agenda
Day 1: Agile & Scrum Overview
Introduction to Agile
Manifesto Lab
Agile Values & Principles
Theory vs Actionable Practices
Agile Implementations & Frameworks
Scrum Overview
XP Overview
Kanban Overview
Brief Overview of Scrum
Complexity in Product Development
Why Scrum?
Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog
Scrum Events
Scrum Roles, Rules, & Practices
Scrum Simulation Lab
Day 2: Agile Practices
Planning & Estimation
Sprint Planning
Relative Estimating
Sizing Lab
Release Planning
Planning Lab
Agile Requirements
Ways to gather requirements
How much detail is needed?
User Stories (and other ways to populate a Product Backlog)
Why Ambiguity can be Good
Acceptance Criteria
User Story Lab
Agile QA
Acceptance Testing Lab
What is QA?
What is a Test vs Requirement?
Common QA Anti-Patterns
Acceptance Criteria to Tests
Types of Testing
Agile QA Role
Agile Development (if applicable)
Role of an Agile Developer
Craftsmanship and Professionalism
Test-Driven Development Overview
Continuous Integration/Deployment/Delivery
Agile Miscellany
Agile Tools (Demos)
Distributed Teams
Scaling Agile
Agile Adoption Anti-Patterns