Reid Spencer

Reid has been involved in a wide range of software development projects spanning 40+ years. He sets the technical direction for Improving Ottawa, assists with sales engineering, and helps keep Improving Ottawa on the leading, but not bleeding, edge. Reid loves to help customers use technology to solve business needs, has a passion for performance optimization of systems and people, and is a dedicated contributor to open source, most recently with RIDDL and LLVM.
Reid has worked with many large corporations in the USA such as BC Tel, Sprint, British Telecom, AT&T Wireless, and many technology startups such as Object Design, Inc., Performant Inc., Electronic Book Technologies, Vertical Systems, Doyenz, J9 Technologies, and Yoppworks. Reid's current focus is developing software that will aid AI systems to generate software for large reactive systems and help customers utilize it effectively.
Reid scuba dives, swims, and soaks up tropical sunshine in his downtime.