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La proposition de valeur n'est pas réservée au marketing

December 25, 2024 | 2 Lecture minute

Imaginez que vous dirigiez une boulangerie qui vend les meilleurs biscuits aux pépites de chocolat. D'emblée, nous constatons que vous avez deux groupes de clients : Les monstres des biscuits et les clients sans rendez-vous.

Les monstres des biscuits - COVID ? Les taux d'intérêt ? Récession ? Ces clients ont assuré la pérennité de votre entreprise, contre vents et marées. Certains ont même suggéré de nouvelles idées d'arômes, tandis que d'autres ont testé vos nouvelles préparations et vous ont fait part de leurs commentaires.

Walk-Ins... For some reason, they’ve come in to find out what’s up, and then they self-identify into one of 3 groups: 

  • Cookie Monsters — They’re overjoyed to discover a place that’s exactly what they’re looking for! 

  • Hard-No’s — It’s obvious this isn’t going to work — maybe they’re allergic, don’t like chocolate, can’t stand cookies, etc. 

  • Cookie Curious — This is where you work your magic. They’re on the fence and need help figuring out whether they’re going all-in to be a Monster or just staying Cookie Curious for a bit longer. They may need a sample or more time as they just had a big meal or a few more visits. That’s for you to figure out. 

Asset - Value Prop is Not Just for Marketing

In the TA world, all the reasons your key employees CHOOSE to work with you are like the different types of chocolate chip cookies you offer to customers of your bakery. Cookie Monsters are those key employees that carry your company through thick and thin, Hard-No’s are those that obviously wouldn’t work out, and Cookie Curious are the people you figure to have an 80%+ chance of becoming Cookie Monsters. 

Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a simple summary of the reasons why somebody would want to work for you. An EVP mixes tangible and intangible elements, e.g. Growth, Total Compensation, Technology, Culture…. The list can go on because there are so many different types of elements that are important to different groups of people. 

How will knowing your EVP help you? 

Work smarter, not harder 

  • Be effective — A clear EVP screens out candidates that won’t work and is organically attractive to those who feel like you’re talking their language! 

  • Be yourself — As a champion of the EVP you can focus less on coming up with sales messaging, and instead lean into what you’re main skill is: Building relationships. 

Better Candidate Experience 

  • Less work for them to figure you out if it’s already spelled out clearly in the EVP 

  • They can self-identify whether this is for them or not — saving you time/energy 

Better for business 

  • Happy employees to ‘get’ the EVP make similar referrals, are less of a retention risk, and are more inclined to share their positive experience of work wherever they go 

  • Alignment with EVP means onboarding into company culture, values, and systems is smoother 

How can you build an EVP? 

  1. Surveys — Engagement Surveys, Candidate Experience Surveys, New App Surveys, New Hire Surveys 

  2. Talk to People & Culture — Dive in together on demographics, promotions, benefits, retention, total compensation 

  3. Inventory your TA Marketing Assets — Videos, Blogs, Maillists, Tear Sheets 

  4. Talk with real people — Get to the grassroots and get to know the employees personally 

There are Cookie Curious people out there who would love to be a Cookie Monster — your Cookie Monster! — Get on your EVP and find them! Learn more about our TA efforts here.


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