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Sergei Stepantsov

Senior Consultant
Sergei Stepantsov Profile Picture

Sergei Stepantsov began working in software development in 2005. He has experience working in both big tech companies and small startups. His accomplishments have varied across different areas, from resource-limited embedding systems to complex cloud solutions. Sergei's main interests are cloud application architecture, machine learning, and generative AI.

Derniers blogs

Consultez les derniers blogs qui Sergei Stepantsov a écrit.
Blog Image - Unveiling the Future of AI at Google Cloud Next 24 -1

L'avenir de l'IA dévoilé à Google Cloud Next '24

Obtenez des informations de première main d'Improving sur l'innovation qui se prépare autour de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'informatique en nuage à l'occasion de Google Cloud Next '24.